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Stop by for a Schmooze and a Tour:

Our Executive Director, Jennifer “Jeni” Linsley, and our Rabbi Benjamin Sendrow love to chat with people interested in Shaarey Tefilla.  Call (317) 733-2169 or email Jennifer Linsley to schedule an appointment to meet them, and to tour our facility.

Trying out our services:

For most people, our Friday night service is the best way to experience Shaarey Tefilla for the first time.  Friday night services combine lots of congregational singing and English readings.  Rabbi Sendrow gives a sermon on most Friday nights.  The title is usually available in advance through Twitter and Facebook. We begin at 6:30 pm.  The service is approximately 90 minutes long which is in-person and also continues to be virtual through zoom. 

Our Shabbat morning service is longer and more Hebrew intensive.  We do a full Torah reading, and Rabbi Sendrow usually presents a D’var Torah (literally “a word of Torah;” a little talk on the Torah reading of the week.)  This is a service at which experienced shul-goers will feel at home.  Currently, we begin our service at 9:30 am but will eventually go back to 9 am and generally end before noon which is in-person and also continues to be virtual through zoom.  

For those who want to experience a Shabbat morning service but are new to it, many people find that coming closer to 10:00 am provides a more engaging and interesting experience.  It is around that time that the Torah service begins, which includes Rabbi Sendrow’s D’var Torah.  The few English prayers said on Saturday morning are also part of the Torah service.  While we certainly need people who arrive at 9:30 am, we understand that a full traditional Shabbat morning service can overwhelm those who are not used to it.  We are very proud of the fact that our regular attendees embrace newcomers and help them to become familiar with the service.

To confirm starting time for the Saturday morning service and interest in participating in services virtually contact our Synagogue Office at (317) 733-2169 or email Jennifer Linsley.

Meet with our Educator:

Religious School Director, Brenda Freedman is always eager to meet with families to explain our programs and answer your questions.  Appointments to speak or meet with Brenda can be arranged through our Synagogue Office at (317) 733-2169 or email Jennifer Linsley.

Are you a Weekday Minyan Person?

Our traditional Minchah/Maariv service is held on Mondays and Wednesdays evenings at 6:30 pm which is in-person and also continues to be virtual through zoom.  Our regular minyanaires are always delighted to welcome people to our minyanim.