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Giving Opportunities

Hands, Open, Candle, Candlelight, PrayerCongregation Shaarey Tefilla strives to strengthen Jewish life spiritually, educationally, and culturally. Through the tireless efforts of our esteemed Rabbi, Religious School Principal, Men’s Club, Sisterhood, and lay leadership, we achieved so much already – however, this is a continuous journey. We must maintain and enhance our educational opportunities and bring new resources and programs to our congregation and community.
There are countless programs and projects that are in need.  Through our heartfelt commitment, dedication, and financial support, we can be proud that each of us can play a critical role in shaping our future as a center of Jewish life in our community and in the world.  Thank you in advance, your generosity helps ensure Congregation Shaarey Tefilla’s commitment to Jewish life for generations to come.
L’Dor V’Dor
May we all go from strength to strength as we travel on this
journey together, providing a legacy for our children.
If you need assistance or have donation questions email the Treasurer or call the office at (317) 733-2169.

Donate & Payment

Contributions to the Building Fund are used for the general repair, maintenance, and upkeep of the synagogue building, equipment, and grounds.  Gifts to the Building Fund support CST’s Building & Grounds operating budget.
Donations to the Education Fund are used to support Jewish educational programs.  Contributions to the Education Fund support CST’s Education operating budget.  
The General fund provides vital support and helps us to run our vast array of programs, maintain our beautiful sanctuary and facilities, and create beautiful worship services.  Donations can be made to honor a special event, Simcha, or a special person or wish someone a Refuah Sh’lemah, a speedy recovery, which is a long-standing tradition at CST.
At CST, it is a time-honored Jewish tradition to commemorate the passing of a loved one or relative with a memorial plaque located in the sanctuary.  Memorial plaques are organized by the month of passing and lit for the entire month of the anniversary of death and during Yizkor services.
The Cost of the plaque is $270.
Donations to the Prayer Book Fund are used to purchase prayer books, siddurim, and Torah and Commentary, chumashim, used during our services.  A bookplate can be placed to dedicate your gift in honor of a special event, Simcha, or in memory of loved ones.  Siddurim cost $36 each and Chumashim are $72 each.  Interested in purchasing a book email the office or call (317) 733-2169.
Donations to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund are used by the Rabbi for charitable purposes to assist individual, educational and communal needs in a confidential manner consistent with CST’s tax-exempt purposes.
All you need to do is select Congregation Shaarey Tefilla as your organization and shop away CST will receive a check quarterly rebate check, please sign up today.

Kroger Community Rewards

Donations to the Shabbat Kiddush Fund support a kiddush luncheon hosted by our Sisterhood or Men’s Club where service attendees can sit and schmooze a bit after Shabbat morning services.  It is scheduled each month typically coinciding with Rosh Chodesh.  Come join us for some nosh and bagels!
Commemorate joyous lifecycle events, mark accomplishments, or remember loved ones by purchasing a leaf or boulder on our “Tree of Life” located in the lobby. 
The cost of the boulder and leaves are: 
   Boulder:          $ 1,800
   Gold Leaf:       $   720 
   Silver Leaf:     $   360
   Bronze Leaf:   $   180
Commemorate your loved ones upon the anniversary of their passing with customary contributions to the Yahrzeit Fund.  Come join our prayer services to say Kaddish for your loved ones.  Gifts to the Yahrzeit Fund support CST’s general operating budget.  To set up reoccurring donations on the anniversaries of your loved ones, please contact the office.
The Yom Kippur Appeal is our annual fundraising campaign and the main source of operating support beyond membership dues and other gifting opportunities.  Through the generosity of our members, we can sustain and engage our community in Conservative Jewish life combining full egalitarianism with a commitment to traditional Judaism.  Your generosity is greatly appreciated.  

Congregation Shaarey Tefilla is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law, provided no goods or services were exchanged for this gift. Please consult your tax advisor regarding specific questions about your deductions.