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Applications for the 2022 scholarships offered by the National Council of Jewish Women, Indianapolis Section for residents of Indiana.

Interviews April 30, 2023, from 11:30 am – 5:30 pm
  (Interviews will be held near 116th & Meridian)
Scholarship Forms are due by March 15, 2023
A brief overview of each scholarship:

*Francis E. Mazur Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors planning to attend an accredited

Indiana college or university as a full-time student. Men and women of any religious affiliation may
Francis E. Mazur College Scholarship Form

*New American Scholarships are awarded to:
A.) high school seniors who have arrived in the United States within the last four years and plan to
attend an accredited Indiana college or university on a part- or full-time basis. Men and
women of any religious affiliation may apply.
B.) adults who have arrived within the last four years and are currently attending an accredited
Indiana college or university as a part- or full-time student. Men and women of any religious
affiliation may apply.
New American College Scholarship Form

*Judith B. Lichtenberg Scholarships are awarded to:
A. Single Parent Scholarships are awarded to adults who care for dependents and are returning to
school for post-high school certificates, associate, or bachelor’s degrees to better support
themselves and their families. Men and women of any religious affiliation may apply.
B. Graduate School Scholarships are awarded to Jewish students who have been past recipients
of either a Jewish Student or Mary Fink Scholarship for undergraduate studies
Judith B. Lichtenberg Jewish Student Graduate School Scholarship Form

*Jewish Student Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors who are Jewish and plan to

attend an accredited college or university as a full-time student.
Jewish Student College Scholarship Form
*Mary Fink Merit Scholarship is awarded to one high school senior who is Jewish and plans to
attend an accredited college or university as a full-time student.
Mary Fink Scholarship Form
Each application offers a full description, including eligibility requirements for that specific scholarship.
Please submit complete applications, with materials as requested, otherwise, they will be
unable to process incomplete submissions.
Should you have any questions regarding these scholarships, please e-mail or
contact the NCJW Scholarship Committee Chair, Lori Moss, (317) 691-4400.