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Aaron-Ruben-Nelson Meridian Hills Mortuary
11411 North Michigan Road
Zionsville, IN 46077
(317) 873-4776

Bureau of Jewish Education
6711 Hoover Road
Indianapolis, IN 46260
(317) 255-3124

ElderSource of Greater Indianapolis is a program of the
Albert and Sara Reuben Senior and Community Resource Center
6905 Hoover Road
Indianapolis, IN  46260
Phone:  317-259-6822   fax:  317-259-6823

7001 Hoover Road
Indianapolis, IN 46260
(317) 251-2261

Jewish Community Center
6701 Hoover Road
Indianapolis, IN 46260
(317) 251-9467

Jewish Community Relations
1100 W. 42nd Street #240
Indianapolis, IN 46208
(317) 926-2935

Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis
6705 Hoover Road
Indianapolis, IN 46260
(317) 726-5450

The Jewish Post and Opinion
1111 East 54th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46225

Mothers Circle of Greater Indianapoilis
Are you a mother raising Jewish children … but you’re not Jewish? Don’t do it alone!   The Mothers Circle provides FREE education and support for women of other faith traditions who are raising Jewish children in the context of an interfaith marriage or committed relationship with a Jewish partner.  A new class is forming in Indianapolis to begin this fall. Classes will meet approximately twice a month and will focus on Jewish rituals, ethics, and the how-to’s of creating a Jewish home. Come be a part of this warm and nurturing environment and feel empowered to take on the responsibility of raising children in Judaism.   The free course is held at the Arthur M. Glick JCC and is made possible through the generous support of David and Betty Klapper, the Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis and the Sisterhoods of Congregation Beth El Zedeck, Congregration Shaarey Tefilla and Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation.  For more information, please contact Patti Freeman Dorson, Mothers Circle Facilitator, at or 317-441-5259, or visit

The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
820 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10017-4504
(212) 533-7800